Описание заданий теста уровня В2 CEFR

Субтест «Аудирование» предусматривает проверку умения:

  • понимать представленную фактическую или оценочную информацию;
  • понимать основную мысль, выражающую отношение или мнение говорящего;
  • понимать имплицитно представленную информациюи устанавливать причинно-следственную связь;
  • делать вывод на основе сопоставления представленной информации.

Посмотрите образцы тестовых заданий:

Multiple Choice (множественный выбор) – для каждого из 8-и аудиотекстов необходимо выбрать один из 3-х вариантов ответа.

Youwillhearpeopletalkingindifferentsituations. ChoosethebestanswerforquestionsA1-A8. Youwillheareachrecordingtwice. You now have 60 seconds to look at the questions.
А1 You hear part of a game show.
What kind of prize will Julie get if she wins the game?

  1. a cash bonus covering a six-day trip to China
  2. a journey abroad and a money prize
  3. a set travel bags worth $3,000

Gap Fill (краткий ответ/дополнение) – необходимо завершить каждое из 8-и предложений (ответ должен содержать не более 17 символов).

You will hear an interview with a man talking about his first experience in paint-on-glass animation. For questions B1-B8, complete the sentences with a word, a number or a phrase that YOU HEAR (no more than 17 characters). You will hear the recording twice. You now have 40 seconds to look at the questions.

B1 It’s _________________ for Edward to see his first film on screen.
B2 Everything in Edward’s studio was arranged so that he could work in _________________ .

Multiple Choice (множественный выбор) – для каждого из 6-и аудиотекстов необходимо выбрать один из 3-х предложенных вариантов ответа.

You will hear 6 people talking about animal rights. For questions B9-B14, choose from the list A-G, the statement that best conveys what each speaker is talking about. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter, which you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 40 seconds to look at the questions.

Which speaker says that killing animals for clothes

A. is not an important issue to worry about?
B. is unnecessary due to technological advances?
C. Is always merciless and brutal?

Multiple Choice – множественный выбор, где для каждого из 7-и вопросов необходимо выбрать один из 3-х предложенных вариантов ответа.

TYou will hear an interview with Todd talking on the radio about listening website. For questions А9-А15,choose the best answer.
You will hear each recording twice. You now have 60 seconds to look at the questions.А9 Why did Todd start his listening website?

  1. He wanted to run his own language computer course.
  2. He was not satisfied with the listening material in the textbooks.
  3. He did it with the colleagues’ and students’ request


Субтест «Чтение» предусматривает проверку умения:

  • извлекать из текста необходимую фактическую или оценочную информацию;
  • устанавливать логические связи между отдельными частями текста для полного понимания его содержания;
  • полностью понимать имплицитно представленную информацию и устанавливать причинно-следственную связь;
  • делать вывод на основе сопоставления представленной информации.

Посмотрите образцы тестовых заданий:

Removed Sentences (заполнение пропусков) – необходимо вставить в текст 8 фрагментов из предложенных 9-и (один лишний).

Youaregoingtoreadanarticleaboutmiddlemanagers. Sevensentenceshavebeenremovedfromit.
Choosefromsentences A-H the one, which fits each gap B1-B7. There is one extra sentence, which you do not need to use.Ask small children what they want to be when they grow up and you’ll hear answers like “a fireman”, “a ballerina” or more likely these days “a winner of X Factor”. You will rarely hear a child proclaim, “When I grow up I want to be a middle manager.”
В1. ________________. They are responsible for the results and the continual improvement of their own team: and they in turn are answerable to top managers.
Most middle managers enjoy their job. Identifying and solving problems is what motivates them and there are plenty of opportunities to do that every day. В2.____________________. The first is the way middle managers are perceived by those above and below them. Many middle managers feel that they are easy scapegoats when the information the top doesn’t filter down, and when information from below doesn’t filter up.A. However, most leadership programmes focus very much on academic research and classroom-based learning that doesn’t translate into a real shift in management style.
B. That amounts to a great many people who are not fully focused on the job in hand.
C. With determined effort, middle managers can make the workplace inspiring and fulfilling as well as profitable and successful.

Multiple Choice (множественный выбор) – для каждого из 8-и вопросов необходимо выбрать один из 4-х предложенных вариантов ответа.

You are going to read an extract from magazine article. For questions А1-А8, choose the best answer, which you think best fits according to the text

What is your dog thinking?
Your canine companion sleeps by your side, but is he dreaming? Does he feel guilty about stealing your steak off the kitchen counter? What is he trying to say with that annoying bark? Does he like watching TV? After decades of research, neuroscientists have begun to answer such questions about once-secret inner lives of our canine companions. At the forefront of this effort are behaviourists, who draw on decades of research to explore the psychological motivations behind dogs’ everyday behaviours.

А1 As a result of recent scientific research, we now come to understand

  1. who has been at the forefront of studying dogs’ behavior over decades
  2. why questions about dogs’ behaviours may be difficult to answer
  3. what messages canine companions may communicate to their owners
  4. what approaches scientists use to explore the motivation of dogs’ behaviours

Multiple Matching (установление множественного соответствия) – для предложенных вопросов необходимо выбрать наиболее подходящие по смыслу фрагменты текста.

You are going to read opinions of six people about the present situation regarding formal schooling. For questionsB8-B16, choose from people A-F and put the correct letter in the box provided. The passage may be chosen more than once. There is an example at the beginning0.

Which person

0 E thinks that attitude to teachers depends on public morality?
B8 describes the situation when teachers fail to form a relationship based on trust and understanding?
B9 is sure that it is impossible to apply the same educational standards across the country?

A. For years, the secrets to teaching have seemed more like alchemy than science. A mix of motivational stuff and misty-eyed tales of inspiration and dedication. We tend to describe teachers as having gifts of a mystical quality that we can recognize and admire – but not replicate. An excellent teacher serves as a hero but never, ironically, as a lesson. We really ought to approach the problem in a more scientific manner. We should measure teacher’s performance based on students’ test scores, and gather evidence about a good teacher’s supposedly “ephemeral” qualities through observation, discussion or interaction, so that we can try to figure out how good teachers got to be that way and then create more of them.


Субтест «Практическое использование языкового материала» предусматривает проверку навыков:

  • использования различных частей речи, вводных слов, видовременных и неличных форм глагола, модальных и фразовых глаголов, устойчивых словосочетаний для адекватной передачи информации;
  • использования различных грамматических и лексических единиц для передачи одной и той же мысли.

Посмотрите образцы тестовых заданий:

Cloze Test – заполнение пропуска подходящим по смыслу словом.

For questionsB1-B8, read the text below and write one word, which you think best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning0.We rest and sleep 0 __because__we need to. On average, people need around eight hours sleep at night, although this can vary B1 ____________ three hours and eleven hours, depending on the person and his or her age.
If we are regularly short of sleep, then our concentration and our effectiveness suffer and our energy levels decline. These factors all can increase stress. This means that a situation which is already difficult and stressful can become worse, needing even B2 ______________ effort to bring it back under control.

Key Word Transformation (трансформация) – необходимо перефразировать предложение, использовав заданное слово.

For questions B9-B16, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given (no more than 17 characters). There is an example at the beginning0.

0 She never wants to admit that she is wrong, she prefers to be miserable.
She would rather be miserable than admit she is wrong.

B9 James felt sorry he hadn’t entered the hall
James felt he ___________________ the hall

Multiple Choice (множественный выбор) – заполнение пропусков с выбором из 4-и предлагаемых вариантов ответа.

For questionsA1-A10, read the text below and choose the answer that best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning 0The Lost Art of Handwriting
The days when children weretaught to write 0 ___properly__are long gone. Does it matter? Yes, says Humberto Eco. Recently, two Italian journalists wrote a newspaper article about A1 ______________ handwriting.
Why should we A2 ______________ the passing of good handwriting? The capacity to write well and quickly on a keyboard A3 ______________ quick thinking, and often to spell-checker will underline a misspelling or grammatical error.

0 1 properly 2 rightly 3 suitably 4 smartly
A1 1 fall 2 trouble 3 decrease 4 decline
A2 1 regret 2 complain 3 disapprove 4 blame
A3 1 strengthens 2 leads 3 encourages 4 supports


Субтест «Письмо» предусматривает проверку умения:

  • планировать письменное высказывание в зависимости от речевой ситуации;
  • выбирать стиль речи в зависимости от речевой ситуации и использовать языковой материал в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей;
  • выстраивать логически связанное высказывание;
  • представлять различные точки зрения, обосновывать точку зрения, приводить аргументы и выстраивать причинно-логические связи;
  • делать вступление и вывод
  • использовать приемы сравнения, сопоставления и указания на различия;
  • запрашивать/передавать информацию делового характера и соблюдать формат деловой переписки.

Посмотрите образцы тестовых заданий:

Выполнить на выбор кандидата одно из двух заданий: подготовить Formal Email (деловое письмо) объемом 120-160 слов или составить Graphdescription (описание графика) объемом 140-160 слов.

Formal Email

You want to study photography and have read the advertisement in the Global Photography Magazine.
You would like to know more.

Read the advertisement and the notes you have made.
Then write a formal email to the Course Coordinator asking for more information.
You don’t need to include any addresses.

Remember to:

  • cover all the points in your notes
  • write your email in 120-160 words in an appropriate style
  • try to avoid simply copying expressions from the advertisement

Graph Description

As a part of your research paper, you have to describe the following graph:“Three Areas of Specialization at Hillside University, 2007-2021”.

Write your answer in 140-160 words

Remember to:

  • write an introduction
  • analyse the information by comparing and presenting the main tendencies
  • write a short conclusion

Essay (cочинение-рассуждение) объемом 160-220 слов.

Write an essay based on the following statement:
Recent research has shown that students’ ability to communicate face to face is decreasing due to their overuse of InternetWhat is your opinion?
Write your answer in 160-200 words in appropriate style
Use the following plan:

  • Write an introduction (state the problem)
  • Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it
  • Consider the opposing point of view and give your comments on it
  • Write a conclusion

Результат работы оценивается двумя независимыми экспертами по следующим критериям:

  • Содержательная и стилевая адекватность.
  • Лексика: правильность, разнообразие.
  • Грамматика: правильность, разнообразие.
  • Организация, орфография и пунктуация.


Субтест «Говорение» предусматривает проверку умений:

  • строить логически связное устное высказывание;
  • говорить бегло, демонстрируя высокий уровень фонетико-фонологической компетенции;
  • аргументированно обосновать свою точку зрения корректного использования языкового материала в соответствии с речевой ситуацией;
  • описывать события, явления и предметы;
  • обобщать и конкретизировать, переходя от общего к частному и наоборот;
  • делать вступление и подводить итоги сказанному;
  • поддерживать беседу.

Посмотрите образцы тестовых заданий:

Collobarativetask (Диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией).

A discussion with the other candidate. The examiner will describe a situation to you and give the exam card with a question to talk

Talkwith a follow-upquestion (Монологическое высказывание по проблемной речевой ситуации).

Candidates take turn giving a talk. The examiner will describe the task and give the exam card to Candidate A.
Candidate A will have 2 minutes to prepare his/her talk

When Candidate A has finished his/her talk, the examiner will ask Candidate B a question related to Candidate A’s topic:
Would you like to be the head of a big company? Why?
The examiner will describe the task and give the Exam Card to Candidate B. Candidate B will have 2 minutes

When Candidate B has finished his/her talk, the examiner will ask Candidate A a question related to Candidate B’s topic.
Apart from the weather, what other factors can influence our health?

Ведется видеозапись ответов тестируемых, которые оцениваются двумя независимыми экспертами по следующим критериям:

  • Беглость речи и содержательная адекватность – максимум 5 баллов.
  • Грамматика: адекватность, правильное использование, разнообразие – максимум 5 баллов.
  • Лексика: адекватность, правильное использование, разнообразие – максимум 5 баллов.
  • Фонетическое оформление речи – максимум 5 баллов.
  • Взаимодействие тестируемых – максимум 5 баллов, делится пополам и округляется в пользу тестируемого.


Вернуться к  описанию теста Второго сертификационного уровня, B2 CEFR